
Forensics Writeup

Table of Contents

In Plain Sight

In Plain Sight


We tried opening the given image and looks like there is nothing in the image. So we tried using strings command to see if there is any hidden text in the image.

strings in_plain_sight.jpg

We got nothing from the strings command. So we tried using binwalk to see if there is any hidden files in the image.

binwalk in_plain_sight.jpg

And we got nothing too 😅. So we tried with steghide to see if there is any hidden files in the image.

steghide extract -sf in_plain_sight.jpg

With no password we got the file flag.txt and the content of the file is # almost there! c3BhcnRhbkNURntoMWRkZW5fMW5fcGxhMW5fc2lnaHRfYWJiNTA2NWF9Cg==

We can see that the content is base64 encoded. So we decoded the content using base64 command.

echo "c3BhcnRhbkNURntoMWRkZW5fMW5fcGxhMW5fc2lnaHRfYWJiNTA2NWF9Cg==" | base64 -d

And we got the flag


Under Construct

Under Construct


Not solved :c




We took a quick look at the pdf and not much information was found. So we tried using strings command to see if there is any hidden text in the pdf.

strings letter_v2.pdf | grep CTF

Desist Flag And we got the flag


(Lack of) Authority



We took a quick look at the pem file and there is the flag in the file.

Authority Flag


Can You Hear the Music?


We tried opening the given audio file and sounds like a DTMF tone in the background. So we tried using Audacity to see if there is any hidden text in the audio file.

We found nothing in the audio file. So we tried using DTMF decoder to see if there is any hidden text in the audio file.

And we got this Decoded: 1151129711411697110678470123108511169510951951045211851959711712095110511201169511649109101955652985151989748125

We can see that the content is decimal encoded. So we decoded the content ASCII Decoder and we got the flag.

Music Flag

And we got the flag
