
Interactive Writeup

Table of Contents

Talk to Me [I]

Talk to Me

We are given a URL and a port number. We tried to connect to the given URL and port number using `nc` command.

nc 33987

Talk to Me

And we got the flag


Talk to Me [II]

Talk to Me

We are given a URL and a port number. We tried to connect to the given URL and port number using `nc` command.

nc 33987

Then we input YES and we got a lot of text. We tried Ctrl + F | Cmnd + F to search for the flag.

Talk to Me

And we got the flag


Talk to Me [III]

Talk to Me

Not solved :c 

### Eightyfour

<!-- We're writing like a reverse CAPTCHA system. Something that only machines will be able to work through. It's almost production ready. Please help us test it out.

Connect to the service for this challenge with the connection info listed below. -->



We are given a URL and a port number. We tried to connect to the given URL and port number using `nc` command.

nc 24386

The server sends us a string with a operation to do. We have to solve the operation and send the result to the server. But the server needs the result so fast that we can’t solve it manually. So we have to write a script to solve the operation and send the result to the server.


We wrote a python script to solve the operation and send the result to the server.

import socket

payloadExample = """Launching computational intelligence benchmarks.

Please respond to each question with an immediate response. If a reply takes too long, the test will be terminated.

469781228248661089 + 956089083196549134 = 2342342352"""

def solve_challenge():
    # Connect to the server
    server_address = ('', 24386)
    with socket.create_connection(server_address) as sock:
        while True:
            # Receive the challenge
            challenge = sock.recv(1024).decode()
            if s in challenge:
            #wait for the challenge
            while " = " not in challenge:
                challenge = sock.recv(1024).decode()
            # Extract onyl the numbers from the challenge
            numbers = [int(n) for n in challenge.split() if n.isnumeric()]
            # print(numbers)
            # Calculate the sum of the numbers
            result = sum(numbers)
            # Send the result back to the server

if __name__ == "__main__":

We ran the script


And we got the flag



Chocolate Chocolate Chip

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

We are given a URL. We visited the URL and inspected the page source but we didn’t find anything useful.

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

We click on the Login button and we redirected to the login page. But apparently isn’t working the login page.

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

Getting nothing from the login page, we tried to visit the robots.txt file but oh no, we got a 404 Not Found error.

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

We tried to visit the flag.txt file but the same as the robots.txt file, we got a 404 Not Found error.

So we tried to visit many other pages like admin,panel,dashboard,console,cookie but we got a 404 Not Found error.

So we thaught found in the cookies and we found a cookie named session with a value eyJ1c2VyIjoiZ3Vlc3QifQ.ZiXlWg.8ANR-mvIi8sCngWDeZHfxJ4PXX4.

We decoded using base64 the value of the cookie and we got {"user":"guest"}.

Confirming the value of the cookie, we used flask-unsign to decode the value of the cookie.

flask-unsign --decode --cookie 'eyJ1c2VyIjoiZ3Vlc3QifQ.ZiXlWg.8ANR-mvIi8sCngWDeZHfxJ4PXX4'

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

Flask-Unsign Hat Tricks

We used the flask-unsign tool to decode the value of the cookie and we got the flag.

Trying with

flask-unsign --unsign --cookie 'eyJ1c2VyIjoiZ3Vlc3QifQ.ZiXlWg.8ANR-mvIi8sCngWDeZHfxJ4PXX4'

Than use the default dictionary to decode the value of the cookie.But we got nothing.

So in the Hat Tricks we found that we can use the --wordlist option to decode the value of the cookie and in Github we found a dictionary with the most common words.

RockYou List

flask-unsign --unsign --wordlist rockyou.txt --cookie 'eyJ1c2VyIjoiZ3Vlc3QifQ.ZiXlWg.8ANR-mvIi8sCngWDeZHfxJ4PXX4' --no-literal-eval

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

And we got the sign of the cookie than is webdesign.

We tried spartanCTF{webdesign} but it didn’t work.

So we tried to make a new cookie with

flask-unsign --sign --cookie '{"user":"admin"}' --secret webdesign

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

We din’t get the flag but almost a chabge in the website.

So we tried be the baker.

flask-unsign --sign --cookie '{"user":"baker"}' --secret webdesign

Cookie value: eyJ1c2VyIjoiYmFrZXIifQ.ZiXrKw.Jn3PbEhW6KLvG3RRhNQoAPaDrLo

So we think so finally we got the flag.

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

We like ahh just kidding right? So we check cookies again and we found a cookie session with a value eyJjb29raWUiOiJjaG9jb2xhdGVfY2hpcCIsImZsYWciOiJzcGFydGFuQ1RGezN2M3J5X2IwZHlfbDB2ZXNfYV9jMDBrMWV9IiwidXNlciI6ImJha2VyIn0.ZiXsCQ.K7ZK0-Y8UMmV-xxZ9VMUTmcHw8s.

We decoded the value of the cookie using flask-unsign and we got the flag.

flask-unsign --decode --cookie 'eyJjb29raWUiOiJjaG9jb2xhdGVfY2hpcCIsImZsYWciOiJzcGFydGFuQ1RGezN2M3J5X2IwZHlfbDB2ZXNfYV9jMDBrMWV9IiwidXNlciI6ImJha2VyIn0.ZiXsCQ.K7ZK0-Y8UMmV-xxZ9VMUTmcHw8s'

Chocolate Chocolate Chip

And finally after a lot of tries we got the flag.





We are given a URL. We visited the URL and inspected the page source but we didn’t find anything useful.

So we tried to visit the robots.txt file and we got some directories.


We visited the /login.old.html page and inspected the page we found some code.

      function authenticate(){
        var authorised;
        var username = document.getElementById("username").value;
        var password = document.getElementById("password").value;

        if(username == "ExcavationAdmin" && btoa(password) == "U3VwM3JTM2N1cmVQYXNzdzByZDE="){
          authorised = true;
          authorised = false;
          alert("Sorry, credentials are incorrect.");
        //return result
        return authorised;

We found the username and password. The username is ExcavationAdmin and the password is U3VwM3JTM2N1cmVQYXNzdzByZDE=.

We decoded the password using base64 and we got the password Sup3rS3curePassw0rd1.

We tried to login with the username ExcavationAdmin and the password Sup3rS3curePassw0rd1 and we redirected to the ´/index.html´ page.

So we tried to visit the /login.html page using the username ExcavationAdmin and the password Sup3rS3curePassw0rd1 and we got the flag.



Destroy After Use

Not solved :c